Energy Methods for Life

Inviting the Wisdom of Your Inner Healer

Resources and Downloads

Wednesday Energy Minute!

Here are Donna Eden and her daughters showing you a number of quick energy tips to move stress chemistry out of your body, and re-establish healthy patterns in your basic energy systems. 

Donna Eden's Official Daily Energy Routine

Try this routine every day for at least two weeks and notice the changes.  Donna Eden recommends that you continue with this quick and powerful self-care for the rest of your life. These exercises are the basics recommended for everyone's daily self-care.

If you don't feel much from starting the daily energy routine, get yourself back into a cross-lateral pattern.  That's what I needed. People who typically need to do this exercise rather than the "cross-crawl" generally have a chronic issue (some imbalance or condition that has lasted longer than 3 weeks,) or experience depression, or feel stuck around moving forward in healing.  here is Prune Harris demonstrating the Homolateral Cross Crawl Correction.

To further enhance the daily energy routine, first spoon your feet.  Here's a video from Georgiana Johnson for Spooning your Feet.

Here is a lovely collection of articles and many great videos showing you how to do lots of energy medicine practices to help you heal yourself, by Prune Harris, Eden Energy Advanced Practitioner.  See

Energy Medicine with Donna Eden. Donna's husband, David Feinstein, is an Energy Psychologist and a leader  in the field of Energy Psychology.  View both Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology resources, FAQs, stories, and resources for home study at 

On the Energy Medicine page, click "Resources" to find Q&As, Case Histories, and video and audio clips of Donna teaching about Energy Medicine for self-care.                                      

Visit Dr. Melanie Smith's Well Within Natural Medicine.  On the Resources page, there are many helpful videos for you. Dr. Smith is located in St. Petersburg, FL.

Cristina Bornstein in New York has a wonderful Energy Medicine website, Cristina's Energy Center,  that is fun to explore.  She has uploaded lots of great Energy Medicine Exercises videos for you to enjoy and learn.   

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Lyn Milum, Advanced Practitioner of Vibrational Healing

LMT #MA 57728





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